Thursday, December 1, 2011

Too Big Coleslaw

Sometimes when I'm making dinner (or breakfast or lunch), I get lazy. Also, afraid.

In the case of coleslaw, I'm always faced with a fearful question:

Use the mandoline to shred the cabbage or chop it by hand or otherwise?

I'll tell you how many times the mandoline was the answer - once.

And then when I realized how close my limbs came to being sheared off by its unforgiving blade (despite the food stabber attachment that comes with it to "guide" the food through the blades and allegedly save your fingers), I retired it to the garage forever.

It's just too scary.

So, when faced with a shredding task, I'll either take to the knives or I'll haul out the food processor.

In the case of this coleslaw, I went for the knives and ended up with a sort of Too Big element to the cabbage.

I, personally, liked it because I got more of a cabbage flavor out of the coleslaw, but not everyone's going to feel that way. Some people like it to be shredded finer so that the coleslaw has a more scoopable way about it.

I'll let you sort that out though, depending on how death-defying you are in your kitchen tasks.

 Too Big Coleslaw

1/4 head of red cabbage, chopped wide
1/4 head of green cabbage, chopped wide
1 carrot, sliced wide
1/2 c cider vinegar
1 T celery seed
2 T mayo
1 T sugar
1/2 T fresh ground black pepper

To make:

Mix this whole mess in a big bowl and let it sit for about 10 minutes while you get forks and drinks and things. Serve it up alongside some pulled pork tacos and feel free to jam some in the tortilla. It's best that way. And then you also don't mind the Too Bigness.

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