Saturday, December 20, 2014

Go pro with us, Indie Farmers!

There is a big change afoot here at the original Indie Farm and I'm excited to share it with all of you - I've gone pro!

Like, I took a full-time farming gig earlier this year and it has led to a few changes on the Indie Farm itself and with Indie Farms, the kitchen garden coaching service.

Specifically, I'm not offering 1:1 in-home garden coaching any longer and we're not selling our handmade goodness at local events anymore.

Instead, I'm focusing all of my Indie Farming coaching updates, how-tos and to-dos right here on the blog where you can search for whatever details are bugging you directly via the search box or by category, season, month or technique.

If you'd still like to get your coaching updates in your inbox, you can sign up to get our blog posts delivered via email by adding your email address at the link on the right side there. Then your monthly kitchen garden coaching update will show up in your email just like in the old days. Plus, you'll also get new posts delivered whenever they go live on the blog.

I look forward to sharing more about organic farming and kitchen gardening with all of you as we start up this new year.

And, hey, don't be a stranger - If you have feedback or questions or just want to talk turnips (or basil, tomatoes, peppers, lemons, artichokes...)- leave a comment and we'll chat.

Happy growing out there, y'all..

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! And that you are keeping up the blog. I learn a ton from you, Fin. (Testing soil, for example.)
