Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fava leaf salad

We really just grow fava beans for the fact that they fix nitrogen in the soil, so we don't even let them get to the delicious bean producing stage, but that doesn't mean we can't eat *something* that comes from these plants.

And that *something* is the leaves.

If you like the flavor of fava beans, you'll like the leaves.

Don't look at me like that - it's true. The leaves are good and they taste just like fava beans - just in leaf form.

Try it before you write me off as a nutter.

Just pluck a bunch of good looking leaves from your plants (just don't completely denude them), rinse them in cold water and then toss them with your favorite dressing (may I humbly suggest) and whatever other salad doin's you have lurking about your crisper.

Then just try and tell me that this isn't a fine, fine salad.


Or don't. Whatever.

Fava leaf salad

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